Gerakan Alumni Hira'

Singkatan dikenali sebagai GELURA

A Callback To All

dedikasi khas untuk semua bekas pelajar Hirasa' even if it was just for one day

let's know something..
  • Havard Alumni Association (HAA) has sixty percent of their alumni members that donates consistently for the Unicersity which in practical plays the main role to supply financial aid for the University.. wow. what BIG pockets they have. Frankly, it's their BIG heart to do something for their school.
  • Sekolah Tunku Abdul Rahman (STAR). their alumni gives consistent financial aid.. human resource.. technical support.. and handles kokurikulum activities for the students. In practical.. their alumni's are half teachers.. quarter admin.. quarter etc.

let's go more closer..

  • Alumni Al-Amin Gombak. An alumni. which has a pose in the admin. makes way for other alumnees to give slots of tarbiyah such as daurah and katibah.
  • Alumni Al-Amin Bangi. Assist in most of the school's program such as Majlis Malam Amal (dinner tables for donation). This year, they make the official tarbiyah support such as human resource for nuqaba'. and you can always see the previous ketua umum as the muallim for the next year.


tukar mode kpd bahasa Melayu

Sungguh. Ini hanya fakta yang baru sedikit. tp jelas menunjukkan peranan serta keperluan sumbangan khidmat bakti para alumni untuk kemandirian sekolah mereka. Seriously. what drives them in such a way? Jawabnya. kefahaman bahawa kembali berbakti itu sebuah keperluan. sebuah peranan.

Fasa di bumi Hira'. sungguh. fasa itu seribu makna. celikkan mata yang berada di dalam jiwa. mata hati.

Di bumi Hira'. khazanahnya adalah tarbiyah. Justeru. kita mengenal Allah. Justeru. kita mengenal hakikat diri dan alam dicipta. Justeru. kita jelas tujuan kehidupan. Which in practical, tarbiyah is the most biggest drive. more bigger than anything else. Maka. pada siapa harus disandarkan harapan utk meneruskn pentarbiyahan jiwa di Hira'? meneruskan pentarbiyahan jiwa kita yang sudah 'beralih fasa'? Entiti tarbiyah yg berbaki dalam diri. itulah yg mencambahkn tarbiyah semula untuk suluh kehidupan kita. Cuma. perlu baja. perlu siram. perlu sinar matahari. Pada masa yg sama. titipkan tarbiyah untuk orang lain. adik-adik di bumi Hira' pertama-tamanya. A seed. after all the soil. the water. the sunlight. when it grows to a tree. it then gives oxygen to the ones who seed it and everyone else around.

Maka. selayaknya para alumni yang bersyukur atas tarbiyah dirinya. kembali berbakti pada bumi tarbiyahnya. Trust and believe. Alumni bisa menjadi entiti yang kuat dalam usaha menyokong survival sistem pendidikan Islam yang bersepadu khusunya di bumi Hira'. Lets! Mara bergerak ke barisan paling hadapan yang memulakan budaya murni ini. biar budaya ini mengakar dalam jiwa kita. dan menjadi imbuhan kecil di neraca akhirat.

tukar mode kpd Bhs Inggeris

This is a callback for everyone that has even the least bit of Hira' in their hearts. also for those who kinda say:

  • "ade orang ingat lagi ke aku ni?"
  • "rasa cam. oddla. lama tak jumpa."

Your respond

What you can do to respond to this callback are as follows.

  • Give a shout out (in the chatbox)
  • Simply send an email,make yourself usefull and give your database.

(p.s: credits to pengerusi. for his comitment)